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November 2022
We had a Great monthly workshop over last few months with WonderZoo and Omnium Radio with artist Jenny Eden at Omnium Radio making handmade zines (small magazines). Over next few months the workshops will lead to a published Zine, which will include some of the work created and a small exhibition to follow in 2023.

WonderZoo had fun theming the Plymouth Social Enterprise Network for its SHAKE IT UP! - Festival Closing Event and Social at The Plot on Wednesday November 23rd. It was such a memorable and meaningful evening full of beautiful storytelling.
We heard stories from Small businesses and organisations in the city that play a vital role in social change by being firmly rooted in their surrounding communities.
This included
Bridget Bimha- B.B. Excell designs
Tom Loveder Love Shack
Nichola Cooke-Nudge Community Builders and her own graphic designs.
Chi Bennett Talk about WonderZoo
Liliane Uwimana- JABULANI and Women in business
and a talk from Plymouth Parkor.
We had fab music from Soul Trip Hop band K A M D A R A with such a beautifully voice from Jazz Ann Thorn just lighting up the room.
We had Poets Jackie Wacha and Bolarinwa Adeniran giving us poems and songs played from the heart.
Just Simply a magical night that happened in Union Street in Stonehouse and what a way to end such a fab Festival.

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